Thursday, August 05, 2010

"Skunk" vs "Skang"

Disclaimer: This entry may only be computable by matured youngster at the age of 30s and likewise. Wakakakaka!!

Hurm, have you ever received text messages which wanna make you scratched your head so hard until your scalp came out. If so, did the content made u think that u're reading an intergalactic secret code from outer space or something that was so hard to be deciphered? Did you ever experienced headache for trying so hard to make a word out of it which made you think learning alien language is its only solution.. If u ever encountered these scenarios, it shows that we are speaking the same language.. wakakaka!!

i dont know what's up with the teenagers and their text messages nowadays.. how much have i aged that sometimes i just cudnt add up with the whole thing.. am i too old for this kind of stuffs.. at 1st i thot i was doing ok for being able to understand normal short forms that are popular among my kind (sounds like an alien tribe, aight.. muahahaha).. in fact, i managed to assist my parents with my sister's text messages.. but then, i came across text messages with words or more like codes that were strangers to me.. we cudnt help my parents with it anymore.. by saying we, it includes my sister who is 3 years younger than me.. how far have the youngsters progressed and how far have we being left behind..

words like "aq" or "q" to replace aku, "ske" for suka, "dy" for dia, "sayyew" for saya, "y" for yang, "nTiw" for nanti, "korunk" for korang and "skunk" for skang and whole bunches more seem like the in thing for them.. btw, skunk? seriously? wakakaka.. it makes u wonder, what's on their mind, huh.. it's not redecorating words is an alien to us, we did that and still using it but somehow seem manageable by the older people..

i guess, our moms, dads and the older generations must have experienced this scratching head thing with us before.. they must have their wrinkling foreheads moments when reading our text messages before.. during our times we did some changes to the words in our text like "ko" to replace engkau, "korang" for engkau orang, "ktrg" for kitorang and more.. i have once been nagged by my mom for using korang and kitorang.. she went on like this "apa korang2, kitorang2, ish budak2 nih".. muahahaha..

so i guess each generation is entitled to their own identity.. we have created our own legacy with "korang", "ko" and stuffs.. so we have to deal with the younger generation as well just like how our parents did with us.. but, somehow, i still think our version is much more computable than the kiddos' because all we did was to shorten the words for convenience while them creatively redecorating it robustly to embed coolness elements.. whatever it is, i guess it's just their shot now and let's not steal their thunder and deal with it..


Anonymous said...

Amiable brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.

ieka said...

aina..setuju setuju..
but actually they also did not understand our short forms well.. tak percaya? try la tulis.. keke my brother tried to read my sms few times and did not managed to understand the msg (message). i read him and yes.. all that kind of stuff you wrote came out.. they even sms-ed me with 'the stuff'..

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