Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Eid Mubarak

29th Ramadhan.. Already? Has it been 28days all this while? Time flies, huh..

In less than 48hrs Ramadhan is leaving us, really soon and will be away for a year.. i guess most people realize Ramadhan is sailing its journey towards the end for Eid has been the most talked about since the past couple of weeks.. however, ironically, do we really realize that Ramadhan is near its end and it's gonna take a year to be reunited again.. maybe, the thot on Eid has occupied the bigger picture in this scenario.. thanks to the promos on mass medias, shopping complexes, bazars and the list goes on for creating such hype, sigh!.. whatever it is, let's just hope, we'll get to meet Ramadhan again next year, i'Allah.. :)

Albeit Eid is coming in 2 days time, my excitement is nowhere near to be found, wondering far astray and having difficulty to find its way home.. probably, an adult like me finds Eid is just another normal day to go through and there's nothing to be excited about.. that makes me envy the kids out there.. how i wish i can be kid again..

Hmm on lighter note, my Aina³ has safely arrived in Newcastle, her semester reopened the next day upon her arrival.. another year celebrating Eid without her, so close, though!! it was 5 days more to Eid.. my Aina² is only granted a short Eid leave and will resume duty on 3rd Eid.. that leaves me with Aina-Buchuk at home throughout the Eid week.. but she's not the only company i have during Eid, my lecturer has awarded us with enough homework to keep us busy during the holiday.. i have 4 case study due on the 18th Sept and 1 marketing plan assignment to be completed.. that's more than enough to occupy my time during the holiday.. kinda a turnoff though, or more of an anti-climax precisely.. huhu..

Anyways, i would like to take this opportunity to wish all Muslims and Muslimahs across the globe, Eid Mubarak, Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin.. Remember Ramadhan is coming again in a year and until then, don't get too bloated for the next 11 months..

Be it with excitement or not, let's celebrate Eid with love for Syawal is the month to extend our love, care and concern towards family, friends and the society.. This is because Love is...


aida said...

selamat hari raya!

ZurratulAin said...

Selamat Hari Raya Aida!!
Eid Mubarak! Maaf Zahir Batin.. Selamat Beraya di Manchester.. muahs!

sikulat said...

selamat hari raya Aina..

ZurratulAin said...

selamat hari raya Semah.. maaf zahir batin..

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