Thursday, June 24, 2010

I Got My Craving Fixed!!

I woke up with heavy head this morning.. after Subuh prayer, i got myself curled up in the bed until i was woken up by a ring.. it was Izu! then only i remembered, i forgot to tell her that i wanna take urgent leave today.. she must have waited long at our usual meeting spot.. poor her.. uh, we are car pool buddies, btw.. deep inside, i felt glad that i managed to get myself off scot free from the office for a day.. hooray!! it was a blessing in disguise!! :)

i got myself out of the bed at 8.30am.. went online, nothing much caught my interest on the net.. i was getting my daily routine fixed: read my emails, look up for news on ebrowse, fb & etc.. by 10 the migraine has started to subside slowly.. joined my sister for breakfast.. when i got down, my budak busuk was curling up on the couch with eyes glued on the tv, being so engrossed over the Korean show on KBS.. anyways, i think KBS is kinda cool.. im starting to love that channel.. cant believe that im a Korean junkies now.. huhu..

i had a good time today.. enjoyed lazing around all day long, doing nothing..being the couch potato for a day seems like a pretty good idea to let off some steam.. too much of it might be hazardous but it's ok to laze around and pamper ourselves sometimes.. anyways, i didnt use all day to be the couch potato, i still have my conscience, mind you.. since im on leave today, i got myself a deal at the kitchen.. today is the day to fix my craving.. yeah, people.. i have fixed my tang yuan craving!! after an hour at the kitchen, finally the glutinous sweet thing had been materialized.. well, judging by look, it might not be impressive but hey, it's edible ok.. ehehe.. ok la kan.. not too shabby for a beginner.. sian, sapa lagi nak puji kalo bukan diri sendiri.. well, let me present my very own version of Tang Yuan, vs the tadaaaa!! eehehe

There goes my diet today.. arinih layan sweet tooth and carb desire.. teehee!!

~My Humble Tang Yuan~

~ version~

Hurm, not too shabby huh? boleh la kan.. ;)


aliff + afifah + adam + ada said...

dulu aku hantu korean gak weh. sampai sakit dada nangis. mmg layan..

haha bravo aina! your tang yuan looks delicious. nt aku blk jb bt kan eh? it's ok, the bowl looks the same as in's! ;P

ZurratulAin said...

aku lyn citer korea kelakar.. so selamat la dada aku.. ehehe.. aku tgk layan citer kindergarten love kat kbs.. arinih back to back dari 9 sampai 1.. ehehe..

btw, kelakar la tang yuan aku.. bowl je nampak sama.. ehehe

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