Monday, June 14, 2010

Rajab Already?

owh, i just realized that it's Rajab already.. yesterday was the 1st Rajab.. has it been a year already? hurm, time really flies before we know it, aight.. it seems like few months back we were celebrating Eid and now we are 2 months away from Ramadhan.. i just love Ramadhan, cant wait!! i bet most of the ladies out there are on their rallies of ganti puasa already by now.. ganbatte ne, ladies!!

at the same time, lil that i realize we are already in the 2nd half of 2010.. six months have passed, didnt we just watched fireworks on the new year eve? hurm, what have i been doing for the past 6 months, yea? i can only shrug my shoulders to answer that.. for all i know, i've been juggling my time on work and studies.. my personal time is kinda limited, it's the luxury that i dont actually own.. whatever it is, im grateful for all i have in my life.. at least i know, my efforts on the studies are totally worth it.. and i have the supportive heartwarming family to stay behind my back and cheer on me, no matter what.. Alhamdulillah.. :)

as time goes by, looks like time and age are finally catching up on each other.. before i know it, im leaving the 20s already, in less than a month.. the big 3-0 is coming, baby!! huwaaa, im in total denial.. i can no longer hide behind the modest 2-0'ish for cover up, "How old are you?", "Hurm, im in my 20s, TQ", NOOOOO i cant use that anymore!!.. to top it all off, coming this 26th Sya'ban, i age a year older in Hijri calendar.. it's 31 for crying out loud.. huhu.. i cant imagine how can i be 30ish and still be very much the same and immature!! huhu.. aina, aina, aina, there's no time for sobbing, time flies, remember!.. this is life, youth is not yours forever.. pull yourself together and continue living.. living is great, cherish it while you still have it..

what's the whole point of my ramblings? hurm... owh, the message is time flies, really, no kidding!.. time and tide wait for no man.. let's use it wisely.. coming these 3 sacred months: Rajab, Sya'ban & Ramadhan, it's time to focus more on our ibadah and make full use of it.. renung2kan dan selamat beramal.. ehehe..

1 comment:

aliff + afifah + adam + ada said...

iye rejab. dan aku x igt nk puasa sunat huwaaaa ;(

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